Friday, January 7

Guardian of the Gate

by Michelle Zink

Two Stars

First things first, I really dislike the main character.  She has like serious problems staying constant, well other than constantly annoying.  The whole thing with Dimitri is just so frought with peril and just plain dumb I can scarce believe it.  I am expecting him to be a major betrayal since the book points out again and again how the souls will use anyone close to her towards benefiting their goal.  Sadly, I am really looking forward to this since it is only right considering what she has done.  Oh wait I almost forgot, the whole prophecy thing is just sort of lame.  Why even bother with this whole charade in the first place and not have put the bad guy out of commission for all eternity.  I just can't reconcile the sheer stupidity of such an action.  I didn't really like the first book but the pretty cover convinced me to give this a try.  Curse you cover artists, you tricked me again.  All is all I would definitely say this book still could be considered a good one to the right sort of group.