Thursday, October 13

Warped: Book Review

by Maurissa Guibord

This was an interesting story involving The Fates.  Throughout the whole book I felt strongly held and pulled along with the story.  It was something to see how these two would interact.  They had real problems deciding what to think of the other and how to act around the other.  Some of the grudge Will held seemed a bit much but I guess considering how long he suffered it isn't too far fetched.  You have got to shift your blame somewhere and why not to the parties the least able to defend themselves.  The evil in this story was also a typical version you would expect to see.  At first thinking I am the victim and just trying to protect myself but in the process becoming the perpetrator and doing the same as has been done to myself.  I suppose it is easier to put our own worth above those of others so when we are in need there is no harm in crushing others to get what we need.  The close of the book was a bit odd but somehow not too unsatisfying.
All in all, this was a very fun read with a different twist involving weaving.  I would recommend this for a great fun light read.