Wednesday, October 10

Quote Me: Battle - Blackwatch vs. Darker Still


You have waited with baited breathe (just pretend this was true) for this battle to start.

Wait no longer. . . drumroll. . . our first contender for ultimate quotedom is. . .
"Funeral boxes," she said. "Filled with ashes of the dead."
Rising dust swirled unnaturally around Kate's feet and a rush of cold clutched at Edgar's neck.
"Well that isn't creepy at all," he said.


Voting will likely last for 24 hours. (This all depends on when I remember to close the poll.)

Order has nothing to do with ultimate conquest. Matching word skill against this contender is. . .drumroll. . .
"I was in love.
With a two-dimensional object. A mute in love with a painting. Lovely. Just lovely. I could do nothing but stand there and accept my absurd fate."

Darker Still

Let this battle commence. 
May the best quote be left standing.

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