Friday, February 8

Eye Candy: LV

During the week I spot different book covers that catch my eye for one reason or another. I keep track of them all here on my weekly Eye Candy post. Most of the books featured here I have not bothered to read the synopsis for. Just plain old fashioned cover envy or not in some cases. There are the occasional covers that catch my eye but not so much because I want to read them but more of a oh my goodness what were they thinking.

The Oathbreaker's Shadow

Amy McCulloch

Anyone else think Prince of Persia when you see this cover? I do and I love it. The title is really enticing as well. Sounds like a very fun journey.


Kristi Cook

This is my favorite of the covers for this trilogy. I love it so much I think I might just have to read Mirage so I can read this one. I just love the color scheme. So very beautiful.

What do you think about the covers?

Like it, love it, or could do without it?

Seen any stunning covers you care to share?